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We are the leading online magazine resource for the Food industry with our signature celebrity features with over 20 years of a valuable reputation! We have the eyes of the industry’s top professionals looking for the latest and greatest, but with being so widely popular amongst the professionals we have flooded into the consumer and foodie market! It’s very exciting the huge leaps our reputable magazine has seen since transitioning from print to fully digital!  We now have over 12 million monthly readers! The magazine was created by Anane Shylma with the expert help of original advisory board members.

Alvin Jarvis
The Little Door SB Magazine
(1) 937-293-2333

Larry Prout
The Little Door SB Magazine
(1) 503-620-5816

James Galloway
Trade Show Editor
The Little Door SB Magazine
(1) 903-649-2113

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